
Posts Tagged ‘Walden University’

When is too much information just too much information? I have been perusing that thought for the past couple of days as I had let my Google Reader pile up with unread blogs. I was a bit overwhelmed about catching up on them and yet was unable to push the button to delete any of them because somewhere in there was information I didn’t know and I want to know it.

Everyday I receive terrific blogs and ideas and my mind starts to spin and I begin checking out links and going from site to site until in desperation I have to go back to the History icon to find where I have been on this journey and what I was doing in the first place. I am aware that I have Internet ADD or as I like to tell people “I just want to know everything.” The ADD seems to have spread to Blogs as I happily push the orange RSS feed icon to send more and more blogs that I can’t miss to my Google Reader.

I am now aware that I have too much coming into my Reader and that I must do some culling if I am going to be able to actual learn anything that will stay with me. But where do I start?

Nine months ago I didn’t even know there was such a thing as Web 2.0 or the Read/Write Web. Now I am bordering on obsessed with it and have begun my Masters focusing on Integrated Technology Grades 3-12. This may not seem like a major step to you but when you realize I am 57 years old and have wanted to get my masters since I was 24 but couldn’t decide what direction to pursue it is a HUGE thing.

The interesting thing is that out of all the blogs in my reader only 4 of them are not about some aspect of teaching technology and one of them is my personal blog life with heather. Reading Dooce www.dooce.com is a must for me to get through my day. Confessions of a Bad Christian www.daveburchett.comhelps me realize I am not a failure in my faith journey and Chinesepod www.chinesepod.com is a tremendous site, that if I were to use it properly, would greatly improve my communication skills here in China. That is it. All the other 63 are tech related.

Well, I do know that I can’t possibly not read (how is that for bad english?) Cool Cat Teacher www.coolcatteacher.blogspot.com, or Dave Warlick davidwarlick.com/2cents, or Will Richardson weblogg-ed.com, or Jeff Utecht www.thethinkingstick.com or Kim Cofino’s Always Learning http://mscofino.edublogs.org/or Hey Jude heyjude.wordpress.com or Liz Davis http://www.edtechpower.blogspot.com//or…………… !!!! So what is a person to do??? These don’t even include my Second Life blogs or my mini life as Siobhan Oceanlane which has yet to develop or my Wiki or Ning. Help!!!!!!

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